Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot Essential Oil Small (5 ml)
Bergamot Essential Oil Medium (15 ml)
Bergamot Essential Oil Large (30 ml)
citrus bergamia, Italy
Most people know this aroma through Earl Grey tea, which is flavored with Bergamot Oil. It is a fruity citrus oil of spicy-floral freshness. The most delicate of the citrus plants, this fruit delivers a high floral note with spicy undertones. Appropriate for a variety of skin problems. Can be inhaled to treat anxiety and depression.
Most people know this aroma through Earl Grey tea, which is flavored with Bergamot Oil. It is a fruity citrus oil of spicy-floral freshness. The most delicate of the citrus plants, this fruit delivers a high floral note with spicy undertones. Appropriate for a variety of skin problems. Can be inhaled to treat anxiety and depression.